
How can I use a list of results as a filter in a new search, aka a “sub-search”?

TRAINING TIP #28 Your Content Goes Here STEP ONE To use a set of results as a filter in a new search, you’ll first want to rename the results you want to use as filter. In this example, we’ve renamed our Documents search to “TXT Search League of Legends” (to rename the results, right-click on the tab and click "Rename" in the drop-down): STEP TWO Click “Add New Tab” at the top left of your results. This will create a new tab in your binder: [...]

2021-03-30T12:04:06-06:00August 25, 2020|Trademark Training Tip Archive, Training|

How can I tell if a litigated patent has completed a reexamination proceeding?

TRAINING TIP #38 Your Content Goes Here STEP ONE To determine if a litigated patent has been issued a certificate of reexamination, start with a Patent search under the Profiles section of the search page. Begin typing your patent number and select it from the patents that appear in the drop-down suggestions. STEP TWO If the patent has completed a reexamination proceeding, there will be “Reexamination Certificates” in its “Summary” tab. STEP THREE If you need more information, click the PDF [...]

2021-03-30T14:15:32-06:00August 25, 2020|Patent Training Tip Archive, Training|

How can I edit the recipients of an alert?

TRAINING TIP #39 Your Content Goes Here STEP ONE Go to your alerts page by clicking the navigation menu in the top right, then select the “Alerts” icon. STEP TWO If you are an admin, make sure the toggle for “All Group Alerts” is ON. STEP THREE Click on a user’s name in the "Recipients" column of the alert you are editing. STEP FOUR To add a user to the alert, check the box by [...]

2021-03-30T14:15:48-06:00August 25, 2020|Patent Training Tip Archive, Training|

How can I edit the recipients of an alert?

TRAINING TIP #30 Your Content Goes Here STEP ONE Go to your alerts page by clicking the navigation menu in the top right, then select the “Alerts” icon. STEP TWO If you are an admin, make sure the toggle for “All Group Alerts” is ON. STEP THREE Click on a user’s name in the "Recipients" column of the alert you are editing. STEP FOUR To add a user to the alert, check the box by [...]

2021-03-30T11:53:17-06:00August 25, 2020|Copyright Training Tip Archive, Training|

How can I edit the recipients of an alert?

TRAINING TIP #30 Your Content Goes Here STEP ONE Go to your alerts page by clicking the navigation menu in the top right, then select the “Alerts” icon. STEP TWO If you are an admin, make sure the toggle for “All Group Alerts” is ON. STEP THREE Click on a user’s name in the "Recipients" column of the alert you are editing. STEP FOUR To add a user to the alert, check the box by [...]

2021-03-30T12:04:44-06:00August 25, 2020|Trademark Training Tip Archive, Training|

When viewing a Motion Success chart, how can I create a list of the underlying orders and cases?

TRAINING TIP #40 Your Content Goes Here STEP ONE When viewing your results, click “OPTIONS” > “View Related Searches” near the top of the page. STEP TWO In the optional searches that appear in the list to the left, select the “Documents” check-box and click “OPEN TABS” at the bottom of the list. TIP: Clicking in any colored section of the chart, or any number in the table beneath the chart will open up that specific set of underlying results.

2021-03-30T14:16:12-06:00August 25, 2020|Patent Training Tip Archive, Training|
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