Special Reports
Written by our data scientist and experienced attorney editors, Special Reports provide in-depth analysis on topics and trends that matter most to you.
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Case Outcomes
The complicated, but necessary, process of determining wins and losses in federal patent cases.
Patent litigation can be messy and confusing, overwhelming even to the most experienced of judges and practitioners. To parse out the wins and losses, knowledge of case management, claim construction, patent determinations, transfers, consolidations, severances and stays is vital. Breaking cases down to the accusation level is a necessary step in the classification of winners and losers. Docket Navigator’s case and accusation outcome model described in this report ensures the most complete and accurate reporting of litigation wins and losses possible.
Patent Litigation Research: The Importance of Precision
A Comparison of Docket Navigator and Lex Machina Data Searches
Docket Navigator recently engaged Feit Consulting to conduct an unbiased study comparing two patent litigation research tools – Docket Navigator and Lex Machina, a competing tool that relies heavily on AI to process legal data. The results revealed strengths and weaknesses in several areas such as user-friendliness, comprehensiveness, and accuracy. Feit’s study revealed that regardless of a user’s research prowess with these tools, the secret to finding comprehensive and accurate results hinges on the architecture of the database itself; the data points being collected, and how they are connected to other related data points.

News & Announcements
Docket Navigator expands trademark coverage to include the TTAB
Empower your firm with knowledge and make strategic decisions backed by data with the new TTAB expansion to the Trademark Library.
Case Profile
Get a birds-eye view of court statistics and outcomes in patent litigation, research which parties have the most experience, and drill down into the success rates of specific motions.
Court Profile
Get a birds-eye view of court statistics and outcomes in patent litigation, research which parties have the most experience, and drill down into the success rates of specific motions.
Judge Profile
The Overview tab gives you a birds-eye view of the judge’s track record in patent litigation, while the Motion Success, Appeal Outcomes, Parties & Firms, and Outcomes tabs allow you to dig a bit deeper.