Docket Navigator expands trademark coverage to include the TTAB

A bridge between the trademark office and trademark practitioners
We are pleased to announce the addition of the Trademark Trial & Appeal Board to our Trademark Library. In the ever-evolving landscape of intellectual property law, having access to accurate and up-to-date trademark data is essential for making informed decisions. The TTAB Docket Report provides the ultimate resource for following the latest challenges to trademark registration, and Docket Navigator’s dynamic platform puts an extensive range of trademark-related information right at your fingertips.
What to Expect:
- Benefit from the expertise of seasoned attorney editors with daily summaries of legal decisions in the TTAB.
- Timely alerts on new TTAB cases and activity.
- Navigate and customize searches with ease using a powerful database with a wide array of features designed to streamline your trademark research process.
Empower your firm with knowledge and make strategic decisions backed by data with the new TTAB expansion to the Trademark Library. Current subscribers to the Trademark Library will start receiving the new TTAB Docket Report after its release. To unsubscribe from publications, visit your account settings page.
If you are not a subscriber to the Docket Navigator Trademark Library, fill out the form on this page to request a free trial.