
Three New Litigation Libraries

Since 2008, we’ve delivered more than 16 million copies of the patent Docket Report to attorneys, judges, and other litigation professionals.  Today, more than 14,000 professionals receive the Patent Docket Report every morning, and they have created more than 90,000 custom daily alerts.  We are pleased to announce that these popular features are now available for trademark, copyright and antitrust practitioners! The new practice areas include: The Docket Report - New case summaries with parties, attorneys, and law firms, with free links to the docket sheet and pleadings.  The Docket Report also includes professionally curated summaries of every significant decision [...]

2018-01-17T16:33:55-06:00September 25, 2017|Announcements|

Not all analytics are created equal.

Jonathan Germann recently posted an article to the AALL Computing Services Special Interest Section website comparing two legal analytics platforms.  The article includes a great list of questions/topics researchers should investigate before relying on an analytics service. Read more here:

2018-08-17T15:10:22-06:00September 25, 2017|Announcements|
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